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Interdisciplinary Arts - Infos zum Studium
Zuyd Hogeschool

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Interdisciplinary Arts


Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

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    Interdisciplinary Arts
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Interdisciplinary Arts


Interdisciplinary Arts

Our changing and complex society needs solutions beyond the mainstream. 

At iArts (Interdisciplinary Arts) we are able to match problems to these solutions. This is possible because we view our society differently and the scope of our work is innovative and transdisciplinary. That is why our students are decisive change agents of the future. Are you one of them?

At iArts, unique in Europe, we are innovation. We combine artistic practice, academic reflection, research and entrepreneurship in projects with a strong focus on today’s societal issues. This cross-pollination leads to surprising ways of addressing and shaping issues.

The iArts programme takes three years, although a four-year version of 240 ECs is offered as well. The three-year track is open to all students who either have a pre-university diploma or can show proof of adequate previous education. 

Please note: the entire iArts programme is taught in English.


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Career after the programme iArts

iArts professionals work as decision-makers at the intersection of art, research and entrepreneurship. They often have their own professional practice, but they also work at government agencies and businesses. 


After graduation you will be: 

• a critically engaged change agent who is able to combine the skills of an artist, entrepreneur and researcher. You will develop and produce relevant interventions for current issues, whether local or global.

• a multi-talented change-maker who is capable of translating social and scientific issues into artistic and interdisciplinary practice.

• a thought leader who is able to explore and intervene in unpredictable, precarious and near-impossible contexts. 


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iArts Maastricht: Admission

You can sign up for the selections at  www.iartsmaastricht.com. After signing up, you will receive an information brochure regarding the programme. Herein you’ll find a subscription form which you have to send back to us. When the iArts selection-committee thinks you are an appropriate candidate for iArts you’ll be invited to participate in the following programme:

  • An interview (approximately 45 minutes) where you elaborate on your motivation and suitability.
  • A workshop in which you can show your talents and skill.

If you pass the selections you have to enroll and sign up as a regular and full-time student at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, you will first need to register through Studielink. This is the national information system for Dutch universities of applied sciences, research universities, and DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, the Executive Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Education).

After you register in Studielink (www.studielink.nl, we invite you to start the assessment procedure. This procedure consists of 3 rounds. For round 1 you must fill in the application form, and send it in together with a photo, a motivation letter and a video. For round 2 we will invite you to write a short essay. 
If your assessment is positive, you will be invited to join our online final assessment round. During this online assessment we will discuss the candidates’ artistic contributions and you will do a micro-project with fellow candidates. See our website for more details.

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Interdisciplinary Arts - Impressionen vom Studium

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Non-EU candidates can apply for the Zuyd Excellence Scholarship (ZES), or for the Holland – Zuyd Excellence Scholarship (H-ZES). This is a combination scholarship offering a higher scholarship amount in the first year in comparison to the Zuyd Excellence Scholarship. 

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Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Studienorte: Maastricht Institute of Arts Herdenkingsplein 12
6211 PW Maastricht
Limburg (Niederlande)
T   +31 43 346 66 70
E   finearts-and-design@zuyd.nl

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Fakten zum Studiengang




Kultur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Kunst und Musik










3 Jahre Studienzeit

Kosten EU: 1084 EUR / Jahr

Kosten Nicht-EU: 8816 EUR / Jahr


Fakten zum Studiengang




Kultur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Kunst und Musik










3 Jahre Studienzeit

Kosten EU: 1084 EUR / Jahr

Kosten Nicht-EU: 8816 EUR / Jahr


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