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Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence - Infos zum Studium
Zuyd Hogeschool

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Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence


Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

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Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Help doctors to detect and predict diseases in an early stage. Or accelerate the energy transition by
developing intelligent systems that predict our energy needs. Applied Data Science and AI is not
just about numbers and algorithms, but about crafting solutions that enhance our daily lives.


Get ready to challenge real-world problems with a practical approach, using logic for instance.
Technology is important, but there’s more to it. Embrace curiosity and creativity as part of your
identity. You're not just learning about AI; you're shaping it. What is the impact of AI on society?
What about ethics? Dive into understanding and influencing how humans and society interact with
AI. If blending tech-savvy with a human touch excites you, then Applied Data Science and
Artificial Intelligence is your calling.


In your first year, you'll establish a solid foundation in the core areas of Data Science and AI. The
second year takes you deeper and will equip you to tackle increasingly complex problems. During
the first part of the third year, you learn-by-doing in your internship at a regional organization. The
second part is dedicated to electives. Your final year includes two more electives, allowing you to
tailor your learning to your interests and career goals. In your bachelor thesis you can use your
skills and knowledge to solve a specific problem by applying data science and AI techniques.

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Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: Study Content

Courses 1st year:

  • introduction to applied data science and ai, programming fundamentals, discrete mathematics,
  • introduction to human-data-computer interaction, cognitive science, evolutionary AI,
  • introduction to software engineering, data structures and algorithms, linear algebra,
  • introduction to data engineering, design of interactive systems, calculus.


Courses 2nd year:

  • machine learning, probability and statistics, AI-Ops, deep learning for communication, extended reality, responsible research and innovation, simulation, reasoning and planning, intelligent search.


Electives 3rd/ 4th year:

  • multi agent robotics; byond desktop; data driven business intelligence; explainable AI


Internship 3rd year: 5 months
Graduation project: 5 months


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Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: Career opportunities


  • AI Translator: The ‘bridge’ between AI and society/industry
  • Data Scientist: Data scientists are responsible for collecting, cleaning, analyzing, and interpreting large datasets to extract meaningful insights and inform business decisions.
  • Machine Learning Engineer: Machine learning engineers build and maintain machine learningmodels, ensuring they function effectively and meet specific requirements.
  • Business Intelligence Developer: Business intelligence (BI) developers design and build BI dashboards, reports, and data visualizations to help businesses make informed decisions.
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer: Artificial intelligence (AI) engineers develop and implement AI-powered solutions, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and image recognition systems

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Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: Admission

You need a secondary school diploma:

  • Abitur, Fachhochschulreife
  • International Baccalaureate diploma (IB) at least 24 points, European Baccalaureate (EB)
  • High School GPA average at least 3.0; two A-levels (grades do not matter)


Additional proof of English for EU students is only needed when they did not have English as
their exam course.

For non-EU students: An IELTS or TOEFL test. IELTS score needs to be at least 6, TOEFL
score: computer-based at least 213, internet-based at least 80, paper-based at least 550.


Given the prerequisite for mathematics knowledge and skills in the ADSAI program, applicants
must demonstrate proof through the submission of a relevant certificate or examination result from
one of the following:

  • Dutch VWO or Havo: diploma including Mathematics A or B
  • Dutch MBO-4: diploma
  • International: EQF level 4 diploma


Applicants who do not meet the requirements have to pass the OMPT test level C.

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Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence - Impressionen vom Studium

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Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Studienorte: Zuyd Hogeschool - Maastricht Brusselseweg 150
6217 HB Maastricht
Limburg (Niederlande)
T   +31 43 346 66 66
E   applied.ai@zuyd.nl

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Fakten zum Studiengang




Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik


Bachelor of Science








4 Jahre Studienzeit

Kosten EU: 2530 EUR / Jahr

Kosten Nicht-EU: 11550 EUR / Jahr


Fakten zum Studiengang




Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik


Bachelor of Science








4 Jahre Studienzeit

Kosten EU: 2530 EUR / Jahr

Kosten Nicht-EU: 11550 EUR / Jahr


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