Nyenrode Business Universiteit
Fakten zur Hochschule

Nyenrode Business Universiteit


privat, staatlich anerkannt



Links zur Hochschule
    Nyenrode Business Universiteit
  • Hochschule
  • Campus Location
  • Application
  • Impressionen
  • Studiengänge
  • Housing for students
  • Kontakt

Nyenrode Business Universiteit

Nyenrode, the only private university in the Netherlands, was founded in 1946 by prominent business leaders of corporations such as Philips, KLM, Shell  and Unilever. Nowadays, our alumni and corporate  network are still very powerful and spread accross more than 100 countries.

Mehr Infos zur Hochschule? Besuche die Website!

weiter: Campus Location »

Choose Your Campus Location

Our programs offer you the opportunity to study in two unique locations: Amsterdam or Breukelen, with modern STUDENT HOUSING!



City life in Amsterdam

The Amsterdam building is located in the heart of the city alongside one of the main canals (Keizersgracht). We offer students access to the business network in Amsterdam. In addition, we offer a business incubator, a lounge with its own bar for food and drinks and numerous events, like breakfast sessions, to connect our student community with the business world.


You can enjoy flexibility to the fullest. You can decide whether you want to join the Nyenrode Amsterdam Study association (JCV) or any student activities outside of Nyenrode.   



Campus life in Breukelen

The campus is situated on a historical estate with a thirteenth century castle at its heart. You can enjoy everything this unique setting has to offer. It is the perfect environment to dedicate three years to your own development. Some of the facilities included are: a library, private study rooms, sports (Rugby field / tennis court / hockey and soccer fields / gym), a student restaurant, housing and two bars. 


Studying in Breukelen allows you to fully focus on your student life while becoming an active member of the NCV (Student Association). You can participate in its numerous committees while practicing your business and social skills. 


By living and studying on campus, you will create a network of friends for life.

Mehr Infos zur Hochschule? Besuche die Website!

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For the detailed information regarding applications. Please refer the program page.


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Nyenrode Business Universiteit - Impressionen vom Studium

Mehr Infos zur Hochschule? Besuche die Website!

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Housing for students

Nyenrode provides guaranteed housing for students (Bachelor/Master) who register on time. Watch the video showcasing our student housing in Amsterdam and Breukelen to get a feel for the experience.


Mehr Infos zur Hochschule? Besuche die Website!

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Straatweg 25
3621 BG Breukelen
T   +31 3462 91211
E   info@nyenrode.nl

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Nyenrode Business Universiteit

Straatweg 25
3621 BG Breukelen
T +31 3462 91211
Weitere Standorte:

Nyenrode New Business School

Keizersgracht 285
1016 ED Amsterdam
Nord Holland
T +31 2042 74286


  • Spannende Artikel
  • Studiengänge und Hochschulen aus den Niederlanden
  • Videos 
  • Impressionen

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weitere Studienportale

BACHELOR AND MORE  -  Finde dein Bachelor Studium  -  www.bachelor-and-more.de - www.bachelormessen.de

MASTER AND MORE  -  Finde deinen Master!  -  www.master-and-more.de - www.mastermessen.de