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Master of Science in Business and Management (MBM) (Vollzeit) - Infos zum Studium

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Master of Science in Business and Management (MBM) (Vollzeit)


Fontys University of Applied Sciences

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    Master of Science in Business and Management (MBM) (Vollzeit)
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Master of Science in Business and Management an der Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences

This programme is designed for new or recent graduates from any discipline with little or no work experience who wish to gain a business and management qualification in order to pursue a career in management on strategic level.

The Master of Science in Business and Management (MBA) is a 12 month course in the Netherlands and the U.K. The course programme provides students the opportunity of both studying at Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands and at the University of Plymouth, England.
The programme will enable you to develop knowledge and understanding in the disciplines and functional areas of business and management. The core part of the programme will provide you with a comprehensive grounding in the principles that apply to the management of organisations, covering the main functional areas of a business and management theories and practices at a strategic level.

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Master of Science in Business and Management an der Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences: Programme

The programme is very flexible and you can shape nearly half of the programme to meet your career aspirations. This is by choosing an elective and a project.



1st semester

2nd semester

Summer Period


Venlo, Netherlands

Plymouth, U.K.


Courses and Electives

Leadership and Management;

Knowledge Management and Decision Making

Master Thesis

Marketing and Strategy;

Operations and Project Management

Business research methods leading to a practical project

International Business Context and Finance

One elective out of a range of 12. Specialising within MBM possible if elective plus thesis are in same area.




If the elective plus the project are taken from a particular subject area (subject to availability), the degree awarded will be a specialist MBM.

  • MSc Business and Management (Finance) or
  • MSc Business and Management (Marketing) or
  • MSc Business and Management (International Business) or
  • MSc Business and Management (Operations and Global Supply Chains) or
  • 12 Electives are offered which cover above mentioned specialisms (Finance, Marketing etc.)


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*die angegebenen Studiengebühren können abweichen, da sie vom aktuellen Währungskurs abhängig sind. 

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Master of Science in Business and Management an der Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences: Admission Requirements

A bachelor degree obtained in the Netherlands, a UK degree or equivalent qualification. Alternatively, qualifications and experience that demonstrate you can meet the challenges of the programme. For non UK and non Fontys students, an IELTS score of at least 6.5 is required. For more information about the IELTS test, visit www.ielts.org.

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Master of Science in Business and Management an der Fontys University of Applied Sciences: Application

How to apply:
Applications for the MSc in Business and Management can be made from the 15th of December 2015 through a digital form on this page.
Before you apply, make sure you meet the entry requirements for this programme. Collect all the supporting documents required:

  • Evidence of qualifications (certificates and/or transcripts) to show that you meet the entry requirements
  • Evidence of English language ability
  • Two references
  • Proof of sponsorship, if applicable

Application deadline:
The application deadline is every year set on 15th of June for Non-EU students and 5th of July for EU students who wish to start in September. You can enrol for the start in September 2016 from the 15th of December 2015!

Please apply as early as possible as our programme is popular.

Mehr Infos zum Studiengang? Besuche die Website!

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Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Studienorte: Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences Tegelseweg 255
5912 BG Venlo
Limburg (Niederlande)
T   +31 8850 76022
E   campusvenlo@fontys.nl

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Fakten zum Studiengang




Wirtschaft und Management


Master of Science Business and Management








1 Jahr Studienzeit

Kosten EU: 12857 EUR / Gesamtkosten

Kosten Nicht-EU: 18300 EUR / Gesamtkosten


Fakten zum Studiengang




Wirtschaft und Management


Master of Science Business and Management








1 Jahr Studienzeit

Kosten EU: 12857 EUR / Gesamtkosten

Kosten Nicht-EU: 18300 EUR / Gesamtkosten


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